for Illinois
Crime has exploded under J.B. Pritzker’s watch. In 2021, Chicago experienced its deadliest year in 25 years, with more murders than any other city in America. Cook County exceeded 1,000 murders, and Illinois’ crime rate continues to surpass the national rate. People do not feel safe in Illinois. So what has J.B. Pritzker done?
- Pritzker ended cash bail, allowing for the early release of criminals
- Pritzker supported Kim Foxx, the Cook County State’s Attorney who has refused to prosecute looters and other criminals
- Pritzker’s hand-picked parole board even voted to let cop killers out of jail and back into our communities
As a prosecutor, Richard put criminals behind bars—including gangsters, drug dealers, and wife beaters. He was hands-on, going on raids into drug houses. As Mayor, Richard defeated the local ‘Defund the Police’ movement. He stood with law enforcement and hired more cops. As crime is skyrocketing around Illinois, Richard kept crime down.
He opposed the criminals and looters who damaged property and harmed cities during the riots in 2020. Chicago did nothing. He didn’t hesitate to call in the National Guard in Aurora, and shut down roads to keep out-of-state thugs from trashing the city. And he made sure the law-breakers were arrested.
As Governor, Richard will be tough on crime and criminals.
As Mayor of Aurora, Richard eliminated wasteful spending and balanced the city budget every year. He stopped tax hikes, delivered tax relief and sparked economic growth, while bringing new businesses, jobs, and more opportunities to Aurora. As Governor, Richard will turn around Illinois’ economy by reining in government spending, fighting to cut taxes, balancing the budget, and fighting for property tax relief.
As Mayor of Aurora, Richard eliminated wasteful spending and balanced the city budget every year. He stopped tax hikes and sparked economic growth, while bringing new businesses, jobs, and more opportunities to Aurora. As Governor, Richard will turn around Illinois’ economy by reining in government spending, fighting to cut taxes, balancing the budget, and fighting for property tax cuts.
For far too long, Illinois has been held hostage to the Madigan Machine that has used and abused Illinois taxpayers for their own benefit. J.B. Pritzker said he would be different, but he broke his promise. Pritzker has supported the Madigan status quo and as long as he’s in office, Mike Madigan will continue to run the show.
Richard Irvin is the only candidate in this race who has taken on Mike Madigan and won. As Governor, Richard will fight tooth and nail to bring honest and good government back to Illinois.
Richard supports Illinois Fair Maps to stop Springfield politicians from gerrymandering their districts. He wants voters to choose their politicians, not politicians choosing their voters with unfair lines. Most importantly, Richard supports term limits to get rid of career politicians in both parties.
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